When you imagine the post-secondary education you’ll fund with a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP), you may first think of a university or college. However, the government lists several hundred institutions beyond traditional universities and colleges that have programs eligible for RESP funding.


Here are just some of the career paths your child or grandchild may choose, all offered by government-certified schools or institutions.

A student interested in a health or medical career may opt for training to become a paramedic, cardiology technologist, dental hygienist, personal support worker, pharmacy technician, acupuncture practitioner or medical laboratory technician.

A student who wants to practise a trade may choose a program leading to work as a plumber, electrician, carpenter or heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technician.

A student aiming for a career in media can learn how to be a social media marketer, web developer or video game designer.

Many career paths are available in the transportation industry, from automotive service technician to transport truck driver to pilot.

Other specialized options include private investigator, home inspector, Montessori teacher, community service worker, horticulturist, paralegal or chef.


To see if a particular school or institution is eligible for RESP funding, check out the “List of designated educational institutions” and “List of certified institutions” at If the school isn’t on either list, you can contact your province’s student aid office to find out if it’s on a provincial list of eligible schools.

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