For most people, investing changes as retirement approaches. The number one concern is usually wealth protection. If markets suffer a severe downturn just before your planned retirement, you want to know your nest egg will remain intact and you’ll still retire on time.

Safeguarding a nest egg was easier a generation or two ago. Thanks to higher interest rates, you could simply focus on fixed-income investments and enjoy a secure retirement. But with today’s low interest rates and increasing longevity, most investors need a healthy exposure to equities to support retirement lasting two or three decades – or longer.


This means individuals approaching retirement have to safeguard their nest egg while growing their portfolio. Fortunately, there are various solutions to suit different investors’ situations. One solution, for example, includes establishing a separate pool of lower-risk investments that can withstand a market downturn and help fund the initial years of retirement. Meanwhile, you continue investing in a more traditional portfolio designed for potential growth over the long term.


Another change in the years leading to retirement can involve the amount you save and invest. Two developments give many people a significant financial boost – their children have launched and their mortgage is paid off. The resulting increase in discretionary income can meet different needs for different people. Some individuals add extra funds to their nest egg to retire earlier, enhance their retirement lifestyle or meet any unexpected costs or health care needs in later years.


A variety of factors can determine the way an individual’s investments may change as retirement nears. Your risk tolerance, marital status, net worth, support of dependants and desired retirement lifestyle are only a few. We’ll work with you to develop customized wealth protection and growth strategies that meet your personal investment needs during the home stretch.

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